Have you heard of our friends Fizzy? We have been collaborating with them to bring you an exciting treat: Yoga in the Yard!

From April 15th, Yonder Yoga will be hosting small intimate yoga classes in the Walthamstow yard to give you the opportunity to increase your wellbeing and revel in the spring. 

The first class will take place on Thursday April 15th. The class is Pure Hatha, a nice and gentle, slow and mindful flow, which is accessible and enjoyable for all levels. A nice class to destress at the end of a work day, you will leave the class feeling longer, looser and more relaxed. Should the classes be a success, Yonder will continue to host 2 classes a week (at lunch times and evening) so keep following the Yonder Yoga E17 club to see which classes will be taking place on your doorstep. 

Remember Fizzy residents have a 10% discount (find this on the app) so you can book your space to join in the garden. Or if you are lucky enough to live facing the garden then do feel free to join on your balconies for no charge! 

For more information, visit Yonder’s Instagram - @yonderyoga.e17

Apr 06, 2021 Tags: Partners Walthamstow